Thursday, October 24, 2013

Torino has the 2nd most extensive collection of Egyptian artifacts in the world

So I've been working for the past 2 days to get these wonderful pictures of the Egypt Museum, but Google upload was just not working. I have to use google for the pictures, to write my Blog. I will add the pictures later. Note, Just got it working again. 

I figured out how to create a link to these pictures in their entirity where I upload them to my Google Drive (in my picasa folders). In the future, I will limit the pictures to ones to entice you to look at the rest in the shared folder. I will put a link on the blog which can be linked to. This is the like of the total 120 pictures I took at the museum.

This museum, in addition to the statuary and the mummies (carcases, wrappings and sarcophagi), has an extensive collection of Pottery which you will find pictures of here. This stuff is beautiful.

The Egyptian Museum has been a highlight of Torino, so far. During the tour, you walk by the restoration center, and can look at the mummies and other artifacts that they are restoring. Plus, they let you take as many pictures as you want. No officious Docent running around telling you "No Photographie" or some such verbage like in most other Museums (I know. I'm constantly being yelled at).  And the articles in the collection are spectactular. They cover the complete spectrum on known Egyptian history and the history of the known world at the time . With every media type. They have woven baskets from 3000 bc, cloth shrouds from mummies, and yes, even mummies. Part of the collection was given to the Italians by the Egyptian governemnt, because they knew the Italians could save the articles. Marble, bronze, Mixed metals (a very difficult process 4000 years ago.).The guidebook says it is the most important collection of ancient egyptian Objects . It was founded i 1824 by Kink Carlo of Sardinia. It has been added to many times, by governments and privateers. There are statues of Ramses II and Amenhotop II, with sarcographi, mummies (lots) Weapons, musical instruments even papyri books.There is an entire temple carved for an emperor in 1400BC. Lots of this was excavate by italian specialists who created special equipment back in the early 20th century.

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