Monday, October 21, 2013

Warning, Be careful what you ask for

It was damp and rainy yesterday, and I'd had more than my share of strong Italian coffee, espresso and cappuccino. So I stopped into a Cafe and asked for a hot chocolate, just the right thing to take the chill off. And that's what I got a coffee mug full of dark rich liquified hot chocolate. Sort of the consistency of pudding. I looked at our guide and he said, that is what people drink here as hot chocolate. I thought it was strange when the waitress asked me how much whipped cream I wanted in it. Evidently the standard is 50% chocolate and 50% cream, and they leave it up to you to mix.
I ate it anyway, and it was rich, but very filling.

Oh, BTW, if you want American hot chocolate, you need to ask for a Maraccino (as in cherry, except the CC is sounded as a K), it comes pretty close, and come with a shot of espresso anyway.

I was so shocked about this process, I didn't even take a picture. You wouldn't believe be anyway.