Sunday, October 20, 2013

Tylenol is not in Europe

Because of the blood thinner I take (Xarelto) like many blood thinners. I cannot take aspirin or other pain medications. Didn't think to bring my Tylenol. Tylenol is everywhere right. Well it isn't, in fact I couldn't even find generic Acetaphenol. So I found a Pharmacia with a doctor who looked it up.  In Italy, the generic is Paracetamolo. Was lucky to find a doctor, because other pharmacists couldn't do the cross reference. Thought to brings my medications, but not something like headache remedies. And with all the wonderful wine here, I need it. 


  1. I do remember running into that in Germany, but also that Paracetenol was more effective than Tylenol. Of course you could always stick to Dewers.

  2. I hope you don't have very many headaches/pains that you have to use it much! :-)
