Tuesday, November 19, 2013

David Cerny, Czech Artist Extraodinaire

There is a lot of art on public display in Prague. Like many cities this is been going on for hundreds of years. You think about statuary and fountains found in most cities, in lots of cases this started out as public art. On the modern side in Prague is a native czech name David Cerny. His work is very confrontational, in your face type of work, but not over the top, very visual even. His work has been very controversial, and very political. He has been a strong antigovernment crusader.
You can find information on him here Wikipedia David Cerny
Probably his most visible art work are his babies crawling on the Telecomm Tower. The tower can be seen thruout the city .

and so can the babies be seen crawling all over the tower

And you can get up close to them at a park across the river in "Short Prague"where the bronzed babies are on display. The babies on the tower are plastic, as the bronze would be too heavy for the structure.

Other works on display are his moveable head

The parts that make up this head are layered as if in a CAT scan. While you watch the sections move creating new heads, and rotating on the base. It is very interesting and speaks of the instability of the political nature of the Czech leaders.

and acrylic sculpture of a modern interpretation of a madonna
And his piece de resistance, the Pissing fountain. Sort of a modern day Le Pissoire as is found in Brussels. He was not a big fan of the breakup of the Czechoslovakia  into The republic and Slovokia.
His sculpture is of 2 politicians standing in the fountain in the shape of the Czech Republic and pissing all over it.

All these and more pictures of Prague can be found in the Prague Folder :
Prague Daytime Photos

But his most controversial is a "fountain" of 2 Czech men pissing on the newly formed Czech Republic. It is in a plaza you can't miss if you visit the Castle which is the government headquarters above the city.

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